DANCE PICTURES: Saturday, February 8, 2020

Just a reminder, all dates for the year are posted in the TeriDona Handbook included with registration in May. Please refer to this handbook for any questions you may have or contact Ms. Jane at 205-491-2501

Photography Day:

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Every student the studio will be coming in at their assigned time to have pictures made at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Hueytown. You will not need any money at this time. We will be sending home detailed instructions on what outfits students will need and any items that go with them. We are also verifying the schedule so we can give you a more accurate time. All students will be photographed as a group AND individually for the recital program book. THERE IS NO MAKEUP DAY. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY.

Sales Day:

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Picture packages will be ready for pickup and purchase on this day. There is no makeup day scheduled for this event. Please make plans to attend or have someone attend for you is there is an issue.

Rehearsal and Recital

Rehearsal May, 22, 2020, Recital May 23, 2020

We have an 8 year standing contract on our recital/rehearsal dates and the dates are not negotiable. With that being said, we are aware that there is an issue with some school graduations conflicting with our scheduled rehearsal times this year. We are currently working on a solution and will let you know as soon as we have it cleared with the BJCC.

Thank you for your continued support!

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